Applying Mulch Dye 

Starting Out Right 

  • The right equipment is key to making it easy when using EnviroColor Mulch Dye. We recommend a high quality, pump type sprayer or a backpack pump sprayer. There are several types available ranging in price and features. You'll want to find a sprayer with high quality components, especially a fan type nozzle tip. The fan nozzle will allow you to get the most coverage out of your EnviroColor and allow for even, accurate application. 

  • Once you have decided on your sprayer it's time to get started applying your mulch dye. We always recommend the use of disposable gloves anytime you are handling EnviroColor to prevent staining on your skin. In the event you get EnviroColor on your hands, a quick wash with mild soap and water should do the trick.  EnviroColor is highly likely to stain your clothing so please keep this in mind when handling our powerful concentrates.

Preparing Your Mulch To Be Sprayed 

  • By properly preparing your mulch to be sprayed with EnviroColor you'll make the process much simpler and ensure a desired result. Clear any areas to be treated of debris, sticks, leaves, pine cones and other materials that don't belong. If your mulch beds contain any furniture or ornaments that are easily moved, we'd recommend doing this first to avoid over spray possibly coming in contact with those items. 

  • Next you will want to prepare unmovable items such as plants, trees, shrubs, concrete walk ways, driveways, downspouts, pavers and home foundations by spraying them with water from the hose or an additional sprayer. EnviroColor dye will only adhere to dry surfaces therefore maintaining a wet or moistened surface on areas you don't wish to have treated you'll avoid unwanted color adhesion.
  • If you have areas that are bare or have very little mulch we would recommend filling those areas in with material from other areas that have a thicker coverage to ensure a uniformed look. With the area prepared you are ready to get started!

    Mixing EnviroColor Mulch Dye

    • Read the label carefully to ensure the right amount of EnviroColor mulch dye is added to your sprayer.  Standard mixing is 30ml Dye per Litre of Water.  Be certain to shake the EnviroColor container well before use and carefully open the cap. Add the correct amount of EnviroColor dye to your PRE FILLED sprayer. Next, secure the lid of your sprayer and shake it well to ensure that the EnviroColor concentrate is mixed well in to the water. Pressurise your sprayer by pumping several times and listen for any air leaks. If you hear any air leaking from the sprayer, stop, and make certain the lid is securely fastened to the reservoir. When your sprayer is properly pressurised and your EnviroColor dye is well mixed, you are ready to begin transforming your landscape.

    Applying EnviroColor Mulch Dye

    • Start in an inconspicuous area of mulch to ensure that the color you have chosen matches your expectations. If you would like to lighten the color, add a little more water, shake and test again. With the sprayer approximately 15 - 20cm from the surface of your mulch, activate the trigger releasing the concentrate. You'll want to keep the wand in motion at all times to ensure for even coverage.  

    • We recommend using two passes to apply EnviroColor mulch dye.  Spray a small area using a left to right motion; then spray the same area perpendicular to the first pass. This pattern ensures that as much surface area as possible is evenly covered. Exercise caution when spraying near plants, shrubs, trees and other items you don't wish to have treated with dye. If you encountered over-spray onto any plants, concrete or buildings, simply rinse the object with fresh water immediately to prevent the color from sticking.

      Applying Grass Paint

      Starting Out Right
      • The right equipment makes all of the difference. Because you will likely be covering a larger area we highly recommend a backpack sprayer or gas powered pump system. Your goal is an even, streak-free result and a larger capacity sprayer will help you achieve this objective. As always, we recommend using a high quality sprayer equipped with a wand long enough to comfortably reach a distance of 15cm from the surface of the grass. For grass applications we also recommend using a cone-tip nozzle. For the best results, adjust the nozzle to finest setting possible to ensure even, uniform flow from the sprayer.

       Preparing Your Grass To Be Sprayed 

      • It's best to first mow your lawn and blow to remove any excess clipping and other debris before applying EnviroColor grass paint. Your lawn should be dry prior to the application. As a general rule, the mow height should be between 2 and 3 cm depending on the type of the grass. It is very important to remember that anything you do not wish to have colour adhere to is either removed or protected during the application. This includes pavers, sidewalks, lawn decorations, furniture, fencing, mailbox posts, etc. To protect non-movable objects wet them with water prior to applying near them and ensure the items remain wet until you have moved a safe distance from them.

       Mixing EnviroColor Grass Paint 

      • There is no one-size-fits-all ratio despite what some might say. Many variables such as the color of the grass you are spraying and your desired outcome come in to play. We will provide you with a guideline here for you to follow based on our experience with achieving spectacular results. Please take a moment to test the solution prior to applying it to your grass.

      • For a lighter hue of green that is often used to achieve a uniform color over large areas of grass that have "trouble spots" begin with 55ml of EnviroColor per litre of water. Always remember a second pass can be made to darken the hue. This ratio is suitable for most all turf types.

      • For a darker hue of green often used with cool weather grass types such as fescue begin with 90ml of EnviroColor per litre of water.
      • With the proper ratio for your application determined begin by shaking the EnviroColor grass paint container well. Measure out the determined amount of colorant per litre of water and pour the concentrate in to the pre-filled prayer. Rinse your measuring cup well, shake the sprayer well and pressurize the pressure according to the manufacturer's instructions. 


      Clean-Up After Application of Mulch Dye or Grass Paint

       Finishing The Job 

      • With the application of your EnviroColor colorant is complete you’re almost done. Check for any over-spray of objects that have unintentionally come in contact with EnviroColor.  It can be removed with water if treated immediately after spraying.

      Drying Time

      • EnviroColor products should be allowed to dry 2-3 hours before walking on any treated areas or allowing pets, or children to enter those areas. It's recommended 24 hours to completely cure.

      Cleaning Up 

      • With the job complete it's time to clean up before your sprayer before the concentrate has time to dry. You'll want to empty any remaining contents inside the sprayer in to an area that won't be negatively impacted by exposure to the concentrate. With your sprayer now empty rinse it clean with water thoroughly until all of the concentrate has been removed from the reservoir. 

      • Next you'll want to fill your clean sprayer with clean water and secure the lid. Pressurise the sprayer just as you did when applying your EnviroColor colorant. You'll then want to rinse the sprayer wand and nozzle components by emptying the entire contents of the sprayer through the tip. Ensuring that the wand and nozzle tip is well rinsed will prolong the life of your sprayer leaving ready for use in the future.  

      Touch Ups 

      • EnviroColor mulch due and grass paint is perfect for areas that simply need a touch up and can be used as often as you like to achieve the colour you deserve. Just remember to follow these simple steps to ensure perfect results every time.


      • Not all sprayers are created equal. In the event that the sprayer nozzle tip becomes obstructed simply remove it, rinse it with water and re-attach it. In some cases, nozzle tips with smaller openings can become clogged.  Some sprayers contain a filter on the pickup hose in the bottom of the container, if this becomes clogged, either remove it and rinse it, or remove it entirely.

      • It's best to keep a bucket with clean water on hand for accidental over-spray. Rinse any overspray quickly. A brush may come in handy if you've accidentally sprayed concrete.